Friday, November 21, 2008

Cold as ice

I'm looking at the forecast for Sunday. It still looks cold. The high is predicted to be 39 for the day. That might not sound bad but first you have to realize that the high will be at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, long after the race is over. Secondly, you have to look at the "feels like" temps on Right now it predicts that at 6am (the race starts at 7) it will feel like 19 degrees. That's a little cold. At noon it will feel like a balmy 29 degrees. Yea? I guess I can at least count on being wide awake, even if I don't get much sleep between now and then. Not much chance of feeling sleepy when you're standing around in 19 degree weather.

I'm supposed to do a 20 minute run tomorrow in even colder weather. The "feels like" temps for the entire day tomorrow never get above 23. That's because they're predicting a wind. Lovely. I know, I should try to be positive about it. There's that old saying... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Honestly, I think what doesn't kill you just leaves you horribly maimed and disfigured wishing you were dead, but then what do I know?

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