Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Not meant to be

I had planned on going for another run this afternoon.  The last time I looked at the weather the prediction was for cold temps but clear skies and that's what I woke up to this morning.  However, about the time I was thinking I might get ready for a run I noticed that the wind had picked up a bit.  Then, when I really paid attention to what was going on outside, I realized that garbage cans and various patio furniture could be seen blowing down the street.  I checked the web and it said "feels like 29" with gusts up to 40 mph.  Ummm, yeah.  Not gonna run in that.  So I headed to the Y for a run on the treadmill.  Before I even got half a mile into it the building lost all power.  If you want a really good laugh watch a row of people running on treadmills when the power goes out.  We all just about hurled ourselves into/over the display panel when the belt came to a sudden stop.  I think fate was just plain against me today.  I'll try again tomorrow.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Another run

I went for another run today.  Nothing huge, again.  Just around the neighborhood.  This time I was plagued with iPod issues which was annoying but honestly I'm just happy to be out there again.  My knees are a little stiff today.  I know it will go away once I've got a regular running schedule again.  The weather is supposed to be fairly decent for the next few days so I'll keep at it.  I'm looking forward to feeling fit again - something that I haven't felt for awhile now.  It's amazing how quickly that feeling fades, even if the image in the mirror or the numbers on the scale don't change much.  Then again, sometimes they do change significantly and then the feeling is even worse.  All the more reason to get out there and run.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

3 glorious miles

I went running yesterday for the first time since my race.  That was over a month ago.  It felt great!  My foot had been feeling better for awhile, actually, but I simply hadn't had the time to get out on the streets.  Plus it had been quite cold.  It's warmed up significantly now and I finally had some time for a quick run around the neighborhood.  My legs felt springy with energy from not having run in so long.  I contemplated doing the full 5 mile loop around the place but decided it was probably smarter to hold back a bit.  Plus I was out of practice and while my legs had plenty of energy my lungs were singing a different tune after a couple of miles.  Three miles was perfect.  My foot feels fine and I'll be back out there today or tomorrow.  Man, it's good to be back!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

16 days and counting...

Two+ weeks of no running. I am not a happy camper. My foot might feel a little better. Maybe. Meanwhile, I'm starting to feel like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. It doesn't help that I haven't had time to hit the weights either. I've been getting on the stationary bike about 3 times a week but it's just not the same as running - both physical and mentally. I will be running again before Christmas. I don't care how my foot feels, what the weather is like, if my Christmas shopping is done or not. I need to run.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not running and not happy

It's been 11 days since I last ran. I decided that I had ignored the doctor's advice long enough and, now that the race was over, I should rest my foot completely so this stress fracture can finally heal. That means no running whatsoever. I can now say this officially sucks. After taking 3 days off from any kind of exercise (I did run 26.2 miles, after all!) I went to the Y and got on the stationary bike. After about 5 mintues of pedaling I couldn't help looking over at the treadmills. I started thinking "Well, I could run for just a little bit. That would be OK." But I shook it off and kept my butt firmly planted on the bike. Since then the temptation to run has gotten even worse. To add insult to injury, my foot isn't really feeling much better. What's the deal with that??? I made a deal with myself that I would give it at least 2-3 weeks. I'm only 11 days in so I'm going to try to be patient, but after that I'm hitting the pavement whether my foot feels better or not. I need to run not only for my physical well being but for my mental well being, too. This not running stuff blows.