Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another rest day?

Today is a rest day. Or should I say, another rest day. It feels weird to have so many off days. And the days I am running or cross training I'm doing much less. I'm in the tapering part of the training and it just feels odd. Sometimes I panic and think "What am I doing?! I have to run 26.2 miles next Sunday!! I should be out there running every day!!!" But the experts know what they're talking about. I did this tapering for the half-marathon last year and it worked just fine. I trust in the program. It's just hard to fight the urge to run farther or more often. I feel restless. Today I rest. My "long" run on Saturday is 6 miles. That will take me less than an hour to do. After that my next long run will be the race - all 26.2 miles of it.

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