Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Small victories

It gives me such pleasure when I actually pass students who are out running. I know, I'm old and vain. I'm OK with it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's all coming back now

Today I did my long run outside for the first time, well, since I stated training. It was also the first time I had run in my neighborhood since November, I think. It was good to get back out there. The run wasn't all that long - 6 miles - but the idea of doing that on the treadmill was not pleasant. The day promised to be quite nice with a high of 50 degrees but since I had to get my run over and done with before 9am it was only in the 20's when I headed out. Still, the Sun was shining and my route was finally clear of snow. My usual path through the neighborhood includes several hills and good ones at that. They were tough as I don't really have any hills at all on my route around campus and then the treadmill is, of course, flat. Despite all of this I managed a decent time and, most importantly, I felt good. Oh, and I didn't trip.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

State of grace

I went running outside today. I had to climb back on the horse, get back on the bike, get back in the groove, insert your favorite metaphor here. And the results? ...drum roll, please... I managed to stay vertical! Yes, yes, I know you all had your doubts, as did I, but I believe I have proven once again that if you work hard enough and long enough you can eventually overcome even the biggest challenges, like putting one foot in front of the other without diving face first into the sidewalk. Soon I might even be ready to try walking and chewing gum at the same time. Small moves, Ellie, small moves.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Strike two

I fell on my face again today. Yes, another dive into the sidewalk which is, unfortunately, getting to be my signature move. The good news is that it wasn't as bad as last time. I lost some skin on the palms of my hands and on one knee (the same knee as last time) but I managed to avoid ripping a hole in my $60 running tights. The bad news is that I have no excuse this time. I wasn't playing with my iPod or avoiding rabid squirrels or anything. I was just running and tripped. Granted the sidewalks around here are pretty uneven - it's not like I tripped over my own shoelace. Still, it's just plain embarrassing. At least with all of the snow around there was plenty of ice handy for nursing my wounds on the spot. I walked for a few minutes, cleaned myself up as best I could, and then ran the rest of my route. If I get to strike three I'm going to seriously consider giving up running. Or at least start wearing knee pads.