Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sidewalk 1, Me 0

I am such an idiot. I was out for my run today and manage to take a HUGE spill. Despite my insistence that I am still young, I proved once and for all that I am not a member of the millennium generation as I cannot fiddle with my iPod and run at the same time without disastrous consequences. In my efforts to multitask I overlooked a discontinuity in the sidewalk, tripped, and went down hard. Because at least one hand was busy with the iPod I wasn't even able to properly catch myself. This meant that my left knee and the back of my left hand got the brunt of the fall along with my chin. Yes, my face actually hit the cement. In a word... ouch. Of course, the worst part of the whole thing was having to pick myself up and walk back to my office (I was doing my campus loop), limping and bloodied, hoping not to run into any students who might recognize me. In addition to the pain and embarrassment, I was very disappointed to have cut my run short. So after cleaning myself up a bit back at the office, I headed to the gym and got on the stationary bike for a bit. Then I jumped on the treadmill for a little while. Gotta get back on the horse, right? Now I have to deal with all of the "what happened?!" questions. The honest answer is just too damn embarrassing. I've got until tomorrow morning to come up with a good story. Right now I'm thinking of going with "bar fight". I don't want to make it too elaborate - otherwise it's just not believable. Man, I am such a moron.

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