Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sanity or grading?

Life is crazy these days. If ever I needed to be running it's now. My head feels like it's 3 feet thick. Ironically, when you need it the most is when it's the hardest to find time to do. However, if you weigh the pros and cons, I think that keeping one's sanity wins out over grading 20 more papers. That's just my opinion. The weather has improved lately and I ran outside a couple of days ago. The first time running outside in probably at least a month. It was great! I think my feet had forgotten what real asphalt felt like. Today it's even warmer so I'll be out there again, even though it's technically a rest day. With life (and the weather) the way it has been I have to take every opportunity to get out on the pavement that I can get. I'm looking forward to it more than words can describe.

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