Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Getting back in the groove?

I guess I can say that I'm getting back into my routine. The weather today was less than pleasant. There was freezing rain all night long so I woke up to ice covered trees. It got above freezing pretty quickly so the freezing rain just became rain and the streets were safe for driving. And running. However, it was still raining and not all that warm. In the afternoon the rain let up a bit and I decided to get out for my run. In the time it took me to finish an e-mail and change clothes it had started pouring again. Hmph. I waited a bit and when it went back to a light drizzle I headed out. Part of me wanted to just say "Forget it" but another part of me said "You haven't been out in a couple of days and what if you can't get out tomorrow?!" That must be the runner part of me and it won out. Thankfully the rain had all but stopped and didn't come back in earnest until the last little bit of my run. It was a short, if somewhat wet run, but that's OK.

I also didn't take my iPod with me - partly because it was raining but mostly because I left it in the car. So I had to entertain myself for a change. I always let my mind wander when I run but my thoughts are usually accompnanied by music which sometimes drives them. Today I was on my own - just me and my brain. I was reminded of that great quote from Homer Simpson... "All right, brain. I don't like you and you don't like me so let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer." In the end, I had a good run and I'm very glad I didn't skip out. Now where's that beer?

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