Thursday, August 21, 2008


Yesterday I got to do my first "tempo" workout. These are runs where you intersperse your run with short, high intensity segments. For example, yesterday the workout called for me to run 10 minutes at my usual pace. I then had to run for 5 minutes at 80% of my maximum pace (defined as where you can still talk but only in short, choppy sentences) followed by 1 minute of brisk walking. I did this three times in a row and then finished with 10 minutes at my usual pace. It was fun if only because it was different. Although, I have to say that "brisk walking" feels weird when you're used to running. As of this morning, I could definitely tell I had shaken things up with my body (which is part of the point). There's a reason why you get a day of rest after one of these workouts! But I look forward to the next tempo workout.

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