Friday, December 21, 2007

Finding a new groove

Classes are over, grades are turned in, and I'm spending most of my time at home now. While this is nice, it totally throws a wrench into my running schedule. Combine that with unfriendly and unpredictable weather and it makes for an unhappy camper some of the time. I've only missed one workout and had to cut one run short but still... I like it better when I'm on a schedule. Yesterday I had a good 5 mile run on the treadmill but I'm hoping for an outdoor run tomorrow. The high is supposed to be 46 but it's also supposed to be drizzling. I'll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, I've enjoyed hitting the weights at the Y. For some reason I get a better work out using their weights than the ones in my basement. Not sure why that is. Perhaps I push myself more when I think people might be watching. How vain is that?

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